Electronic Effect

"The effect in which shifting of Sigma electron as well as Pi electron takes place is known as electronic effect."

Types of electronic effect -two types 

[A]-permanent effect -It is also known as polarising effect because if these effect present in a compound then polarity is generated in that compound.
Permanent effect is shown by-

●Inductive effect 
●Mesomeric effect

[B]-Temporary effect- this is also known as Polarisibility effect because electron cloud is distorted by attacking reagent.

●Electromeric effect 
●Inductomeric effect

                     INDUCTIVE EFFECT

In similar atom- If covalent bond is formed between simmilar atom then the shared pair of electrons of covalent bond exist between two similar atom .
so polarity does not generate.Hence bond become nonpolar .
In dissimilar atom -If covalent bond is formed between dissimilar atom then more electronegative atom attract the shared pair of electron towards itself due to which a slight negative charge (δ+) generated on more electronegative atom and less electronegative atom from which electron shared pair electron moves away generate slight positive charge (δ-) .Now the Bond become polar.
δ+  δ-
H-less electronegative (weak)
F-more electronegative(powerful)


Definition -

●"Shifting of Sigma bonded electron towards more electronegative atom is known as inductive effect."
●"The permanent displacement of sigma bond electron in One Direction is known as inductive effect." 
●The polarization of sigma bond due to attachment of powerful group or atom in carbon chain is known as inductive effect ."

Salient features of of inductive effect-

[1] It is represented by I
[2] it is permanent effect it arises due to                electronegativity difference.
[3]Power of inductive effect decreases with         increasing distance that means as we               move away from electronegative atom  
     inductive effect decreases.
[4] This effect present only in Sigma bonded       compound .
[5] It always results partial charge                          separation.
[6] Electron moves always in One Direction .
[7] It also affect the physical as well as                  chemical property of compound .
[8] It is also known as transmission effect .

Types of Inductive Effect- 

[A]Negative Inductive Effect(-I) - It is also known as electron withdrawing effect.
the group or atom which attract the sigma bonded electron of carbon chain more strongly then hydrogen is known as - I group and this group shows - I effect.
These group attract the sigma bonding electron towards itself.

       δδδδ+       δδδ+          δδ+        δ+        δ-

X-Electronegative atom(electron withdrawing group )

☆Positive charge order- δδδδ+ < δδδ+  <  δδ+ <  δ+  

☆Inductive effect order-  C1 > C2 > C3 >C4

  ●  -I Group Order-

NF3+  > NR+3 > NH+3 > CF+3 > NO2 > CN
 > SO3H > CHO > COR > COOH > COCl  > 
CONH2  >F > Cl > Br > I >OR  >OH > CCH
>NH2 >C6H > CH=CH2  > H

[B]-Positive Inductive Effect (+I) - Electron donations effect .the group or atom which donate electrons to carbon chain is known as +I group and this group shows +I effect.

        δδδδ-      δδδ-      δδ-       δ-      δ+

Y- Electrone donating group
☆Negative charge order- δδδδ- < δδδ-  <  δδ- <  δ- 

☆Inductive effect order-  C1 > C2 > C3 >C4

  ●  +I Group Order-

H - Protium  1H1
D - Deuterium 1H2
T - Tritium 1H3

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